Circle of Animals

The word zodiac derives from the Ancient Greek, zōdiakòs kýklos meaning, "cycle or circle of little animals". Circle of Animals explores the relationship of stars that make up an individual constellation, and with others form a circular hanging configuration.  Ram, Bull, Twins, Crab, Lion, Virgin, Scales, Scorpion, Archer, Sea Goat, Water-Bearer, Fishes each depict a constellation of the zodiac, and uses data to plot star points, ultimately connecting them to create the geometric spatial forms that make up this sculpture. This sculpture is part of a body of work entitled, Reimagining Constellations.

Selected Works


Woodcut PrintmakingWoodcut Prints


F-U Red BlueDigital

Be Like The LotusProject type

Crystal MudrasMixed Media

Pleidian MagicProject type